Picking up the Pace – Marathon Training

Well, I’m about 4 weeks into my Marathon training and everything is running smooth to date.  I’ve managed to log every run thus far from the Hal Higdon training plan, with only missing one scheduled day.  I have also started working back in some swim workouts, as I have been running so much lately, I have forgotten how much I love to swim.

Throughout the past 4 weeks my pace has generally been anywhere between 9:30 and 10:00 miles for runs longer than 10 miles.  I do still try to work some speed into shorter workouts, however very carefully as I have been afraid to re-injure the Arch of my left foot.  This morning I took it easy the first few miles, and then picked it up as much as I could for the last 2.  It was nice to know that I still had the gas left in the tank when I needed it!

(this mornings short WORKOUT RECAP)

Mile One:  9:45

Mile Two: 9:31

Mile Three: 9:44

Mile Four: 8:58

Mile Five: 8:15

Mile Six: 6:44

I am going to pick my pace up a bit in the long runs, and see if I can hold a 9:00 to 9:30 pace over 16 miles this weekend… Stay tuned for the results!